Marketing and advertising translations require creativity and knowledge of the culture, neologisms, expressions or wordplays of the target country - this is one of the translation fields in which we specialise.
Marketing translations are one of the biggest challenges for translators - excellent writing skills and language sensitivity are key. Translation Agency ANGOS has been cooperating for years with experienced professional translators active in the advertising industry (including translators who possess specific work experience in advertising agencies).
We can read between the lines 🙂 Our translators take into account different cultural particularities of the target countries, examine slang and common expressions, and pay attention to the client's existing image in the relevant country.
Arabian Marketing Translations
Here are a few examples of what we offer in the field of marketing and advertising translation:
- creative marketing translations;
- text editing by native editors;
- translation of market research results;
- translation of leaflets, catalogues, brochures, labels, advertising folders;
- translation of press releases;
- translation of slogans and advertising spots;
- translation of exhibition and training materials, slides presentations;
- translation of web sites, posts on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.);
- translation of texts in the field of marketing theory.
Over two decades of uninterrupted presence of our translation office on the market is a success, and at the same time, a commitment to maintaining highest-quality standards. We will do our utmost to ensure our services satisfy your needs!
Any questions? Call us for a free quote!
+48 12 634 24 77