Sports translation / interpreting services

Sports translation / interpreting is a relatively new, yet interesting area of expertise. From time immemorial, sports events have entertained millions of people all over the world, but currently, together with the growing interest in healthy lifestyle and fitness, the demand for sports translation and interpreting services is higher than ever.

Sports translation / interpreting services require a perfect command of expert terminology from various disciplines, knowledge of the training methods and techniques used in individual sports, rules of the game, experience and being up to date with sport events.

We render reliable sports translation / interpreting services, ensuring duly qualified experts in broadly defined sports. We translate all kinds of documents, from press releases, sports marketing texts, statutes and regulations of sports clubs, through certificates and licences of athletes, coaches and activists, to websites or sponsorship or transfer agreements. Our offer also includes professional sports interpreting services, among others, in English, German, Italian, French, Russian and Ukrainian.

Sports translation / interpreting servicesBetween 27 and 29 October 2017, German interpreters cooperating with ANGOS ensured simultaneous interpreting services during the International Conference of Alpine Skiing Coaches, Instructors and Academic Teachers organised by the Jagiellonian University Sports Office entitled: “Tendencies, Development, Training and Future of Alpine Skiing in Central and Western Europe”. Among the participants of the conference were experienced instructors and coaches from the Polish Ski Instructors and Coaches Association (SITN) and the Polish Ski Federation (PZN), former skiers and guests from abroad, including a representative of the Austrian Coaching University, one of the world’s best skiing schools. The conference was also an opportunity for coaches and instructors from higher education establishments to exchange experiences, prepare curricula or discuss issues connected with broadly defined Alpine skiing.

Translation Agency ANGOS also ensured  the necessary equipment for simultaneous interpreting (cabins and headphones).
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Photo: D. Mazur/ P. Stypka

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+48 12 634 24 77 

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