What is a qualified signature and can it be used in sworn translations? Qualified signature is an electronic signature, which has the same legal effect as a handwritten one.
Qualified signature makes it easier to sign documents, especially these days where direct contacts are very limited, at times even impossible. It makes it possible to conclude contracts, sign financial documents or arrange other official matters remotely. This signature validates your identity remotely, which in turn allows confirming the validity of the signed document. It is not possible to make changes to a document with qualified signature, and any attempt to make such changes will be detected.
From a legal point of view, a qualified electronic signature not only has the same properties as a handwritten signature, but also allows confirming the identity of the person signing the document, guarantees its integrity by preventing interference in its content after signing, saves time and ensures that digital documents are used safely.
Pursuant to the Act on the Profession of Sworn Translator, a qualified electronic signature may be used for any purpose, not only for signing translated documents. However, it should be remembered that, under the current rules, the qualified signature is useful in case of sworn translations in cross-border trade, while many offices and institutions in Poland refuse to accept translations signed with an electronic signature. The Polish Association of Sworn and Specialized Translators (TEPIS) intends to submit a request to the Ministry of Digitization for the approval of the recognition of electronic signature.
Obtaining a qualified electronic signature for a year costs several hundred zlotys. In the era of online working, it is a good investment: it may increase the number of requests for sworn translations as some contractors are looking for translators owning such a signature.
Our office offers sworn translations certified by qualified electronic signature in a number of languages, including German, Spanish and Swedish.
For more information on our offer, including not only sworn translations, please visit https://translation-agency-poland.com/services/
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