Linguistic assistance during International Academic Conference – Institute of Pedagogy of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow

“Educational Goods and Their Pedagogical Exploration” was the subject of an International Academic Conference organised by the Institute of Pedagogy of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow on the 50th anniversary of the Institute as an independent unit.

The conference was attended by academic staff of the Polish higher education institutions, among others, from Cracow, Warsaw, Białystok, Bielsko-Biała, Słupsk, Bydgoszcz and Płock, as well as by a number of guests from abroad, e.g. from Hungary, Albania and Slovak Republic. For two days (3-4 December), Collegium Novum and the Institute of Pedagogy of the Jagiellonian University were the venues for academic sessions, divided into several thematic areas: school education, education in culture – indoctrination in education, the child in education – the good and development of the child, education and health, illness and disability, the pedagogical relationship as an educational good, upbringing to values - axiological education, educational goods in a variety of justification and exploration.

The aim of the conference was to integrate the networks of academic experts and pedagogues, to exchange experiences as well as to reveal new research findings in pedagogical education.

For years, ANGOS has unchangeably had the pleasure to offer linguistic assistance during major events organised by the Jagiellonian University. This time was no different: our professional simultaneous interpreters of English came to the participants’ assistance, while our technical team ensured the equipment needed for the services to be duly rendered (booths, headsets and headphones).

ANGOS also offers consecutive and whispered interpreting and non-certified and certified translation in over 30 languages.

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Phot. Anna Wojnar

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